Sunday, November 28, 2010

some inspiration for the truth project

also, if you just search things like "how to not be creepy" or "how to start a conversation" you get a huuuge list of other how to's which i find really interesting. what this is basically saying is that there's like a formula to human behaviour and how to succesfully interact with other.  it seems a bit over the top to say it this way, but the way we talk to people really does affect everything. phrasing something one way or another can make the conversation go in completely differant ways.  so the success to human interaction is really just being aware of what you're saying and how you're saying.

also here's the link to read a bit about the book "the game" that i was talking about

step 1 is your appearance, of course.
here's a picture of the guy who wrote the book, Neil Strauss before and after

but of course, appearance isn't everything.
these guys go through complete brain transformations and are taught how to approach women, keep the conversations going and not seem like total creeps in the process.
some men are now paying over a thousand dollars to attend seminars all over with these pick up artist gurus to basically learn formulas.


  1. This is an interesting topic and subject Laura. Just make sure to not be illustrative when dealing with a complex and psychological subject such as this.

    I saw this guy in an interview once. He didn't seem that special or particularly charismatic. He must turn it off and on depending on who is talking to.

  2. thanks for the links...I suck at conversations haha

  3. oh, also someone posted this on my facebook feed today:

    i know your project is finished now but this is interesting and relates to social and behavioural expectations that people have
